MAHA Certified

BioChecked MAHA Certified™ – 2/27/2025 Venice, Florida #1 Consumer’s Choice – “They look to see if it’s checked!” – BioChecked™ Independent Third Party brands have become the Leading Industry Marks of Consumer Environmental Health Awareness BioChecked™ – A leading third party certification company launches new certification program that brings the…

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Non Glyphosate Almonds

O’Crowley Farms Embracing a Non-Glyphosate Journey BioChecked™ is proud to introduce O’Crowley Farms as the latest producer approved to use the BioChecked Non Glyphosate Certified™ seal for the almonds they produce. In today’s fast-paced world, O’Crowley Farms is proving that sustainability and health-conscious farming practices can go hand in hand.…

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GMO’s Causing Farmers Problems – BT Corn and Hogs

We ran across this video in a news feed recently and thought we better get this out to as many farmers as we can. We still believe many farmers are just unaware of the many dangers GMOs are causing to America’s food supply. BioChecked™ can get all producers grains and…

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Non Glyphosate Certified – Bread

Non Glyphosate Bread

Food For Life Baking Company Inc. a Corona, CA company known widely for its  Ezekiel breads, cereals and specialty grain products just received BioChecked Non Glyphosate Certified™ labels on 55 products after full testing of all products.  BioChecked™ process to certification for Non Glyphosate certification is one of the first…

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Non Glyphosate Certified™ Honey

Glyphosate Free - Non Glyphosate Certification

Heavenly Organics™, manufacturer of 100% Organic, Raw, Pesticide and Antibiotic Free Honey from wild beehives has met the BioChecked™ ZERO Tolerance Standard and is pleased to announce that its White, Neem and Acacia honey varietals are now Glyphosate Free Certified™. Heavenly Organics honey has been scientifically proven to be clean…

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Upper Crust Enterprises Panko Receives GMO Free Certification Upper Crust Enterprises is proud to announce their Authentic Japanese Panko products have received GMO free certification by BioChecked™. Their Panko products were evaluated by a leading, independent, genetic testing laboratory and met the high standards BioChecked™ has established. Upper Crust Enterprises…

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Zint Organics Gelatin and Collagen Receive “Non-GMO” Certification by BioChecked™

Zint Organics Gelatin and Collagen Receive “Non-GMO” Certification by BioChecked™ with an ISO 17025 accredited laboratory. Zint, a USA based company specializing in Nurticosmetic and Superfoods has passed BioChecked™ rigorous testing for Non-Genetically Engineered Certification (Non-GMO) of its highly popular Gelatin and Hydrolyzed Collagen Supplements. Zint was created to provide…

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Hannah Max Receives 11 Non Genetically Engineered Certifications

Non GMO Cookies Hanna Max Baking, Inc., Gardena, CA // Hanna Max Baking completes Non GMO certification for 11 cookie products through BioChecked™. Hanna Max Baking completed extensive non gmo testing by ISO 17025 Accredited Laboratory a  to achieve BioChecked™ Non Genetically Engineered Certified™ certification on Cookie Chip Original, Cookie Chip Peanut…

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Non Genetically Engineered Certified™ – Palm Oil


Non Genetically Engineered Certified™ – Palm Oil BioChecked™, Venice, Florida USA, /// Industrial Danec S.A. a leading palm oil company in Ecuador has completed our Non Genetically Engineered Certified™ program on 10 of it’s leading products; Palm Kernel Oil, Red Palm Oil Shortening, Red Palm Oil, Unrefined Red Palm Oil,…

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