Zint Organics Gelatin and Collagen Receive “Non-GMO” Certification by BioChecked™

Zint Organics Gelatin and Collagen Receive “Non-GMO” Certification by BioChecked™ with an ISO 17025 accredited laboratory. Zint, a USA based company specializing in Nurticosmetic and Superfoods has passed BioChecked™ rigorous testing for Non-Genetically Engineered Certification (Non-GMO) of its highly popular Gelatin and Hydrolyzed Collagen Supplements. Zint was created to provide…

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Hannah Max Receives 11 Non Genetically Engineered Certifications

Non GMO Cookies Hanna Max Baking, Inc., Gardena, CA // Hanna Max Baking completes Non GMO certification for 11 cookie products through BioChecked™. Hanna Max Baking completed extensive non gmo testing by ISO 17025 Accredited Laboratory a  to achieve BioChecked™ Non Genetically Engineered Certified™ certification on Cookie Chip Original, Cookie Chip Peanut…

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