BioChecked Non GMO Verified™

BioChecked™ verifies multi-input products from around the world. All foods that receive our BioChecked Non GMO Verified seal are put through a rigorous Non GMO (Genetically Engineered) risk assessment. If testing is required ingredients are tested third party ISO 17025 accredited laboratory. This program has one of the highest Non GMO Verification processes in the industry, yet we have simplified the process, all while making it more affordable to our client/producers.
Welcome to BioChecked, we are so glad you’re here. You can get started by requesting our registration form.
Our Non GMO verification process, which includes Genetic Modification Risk Assessment on each ingredient and testing on at risk inputs, meet all US FDA Guidelines
Our Non GMO Verified™ program is as simple as this:
- Return the completed product application with ingredient list, suppliers names and any Non GMO Certifications or Letters already received on each ingredient for a risk assessment.
- We will return our risk assessment with required ingredient testing summary and then you will have to send the required ingredients off to an independent lab for testing along with a final product.
- Once received, you will forward the test results to us for completion of your risk assessment.
- Once completed, we then will issue your certificates and high resolution graphics.
BioChecked NON GMO VERIFIED™ Threshold/Standards and laboratories procedures are as follows:
Thresholds –
0.1% – seed
0.5% – human food, ingredients, supplements, personal care products, and other products that are either ingested or used directly on skin
0.8% – animal feed and supplements
Standards –
All producers and manufactures must clearly prove and maintain their products including produce as NON GMO through DNA laboratory results. They are also required to test by an approved laboratory on an regular basis.
BioChecked™ only recommends laboratories and testing facilities that are currently an approved ISO 17025 Accredited Laboratory, that follow ISO 21569 methods of analysis for detection of GMO of all at-risk ingredients – any ingredient that is grown commercially in GMO form must be tested prior to use.
Reference: ISO 21569:2005 – Methods of analysis for the detection of genetically modified organisms and derived products – Qualitative nucleic acid based methods.
ISO 21569:2005 describes the procedure to qualitatively detect genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and derived products by analysing the nucleic acids extracted from the sample under study. The main focus is on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based amplification methods.
It gives general requirements for the specific detection and identification of target nucleic acid sequences (DNA) and for the confirmation of the identity of the amplified DNA sequence.
Guidelines, minimum requirements and performance criteria laid down in ISO 21569:2005 are intended to ensure that comparable, accurate and reproducible results are obtained in different laboratories.
ISO 21569:2005 has been established for food matrices, but could also be applied to other matrices (e.g. feed and plant samples from the environment).
Reference: ISO/IEC 17025:2005 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories
ISO/IEC 17025:2005 specifies the general requirements for the competence to carry out tests and/or calibrations, including sampling. It covers testing and calibration performed using standard methods, non-standard methods, and laboratory-developed methods.
It is applicable to all organizations performing tests and/or calibrations. These include, for example, first-, second- and third-party laboratories, and laboratories where testing and/or calibration forms part of inspection and product certification.
ISO/IEC 17025:2005 is applicable to all laboratories regardless of the number of personnel or the extent of the scope of testing and/or calibration activities. When a laboratory does not undertake one or more of the activities covered by ISO/IEC 17025:2005, such as sampling and the design/development of new methods, the requirements of those clauses do not apply.
ISO/IEC 17025:2005 is for use by laboratories in developing their management system for quality, administrative and technical operations. Laboratory customers, regulatory authorities and accreditation bodies may also use it in confirming or recognizing the competence of laboratories. ISO/IEC 17025:2005 is not intended to be used as the basis for certification of laboratories.
As a producer you can get started by requesting our registration form. This will go into further depth regarding information on process, time and pricing.
We also offer our Non GMO Certified™ Program for single input ingredient produce/products and/or testing final product testing, our Non Glyphosate Certified Program and our 100% Grass Fed Certified.