Non Glyphosate Certified™ Honey

Glyphosate Free - Non Glyphosate Certification

Heavenly Organics™, manufacturer of 100% Organic, Raw, Pesticide and Antibiotic Free Honey from wild beehives has met the BioChecked™ ZERO Tolerance Standard and is pleased to announce that its White, Neem and Acacia honey varietals are now Glyphosate Free Certified™. Heavenly Organics honey has been scientifically proven to be clean…

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Upper Crust Enterprises Panko Receives GMO Free Certification Upper Crust Enterprises is proud to announce their Authentic Japanese Panko products have received GMO free certification by BioChecked™. Their Panko products were evaluated by a leading, independent, genetic testing laboratory and met the high standards BioChecked™ has established. Upper Crust Enterprises…

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